Floating Habitat
Saturday, February 21st, 2015 | Abstract, Digital, Drawings | No Comments
This abstraction started with a series of geometric shapes that were most likely inspired by the work of Frank Gehry’s Experience Music Project on the edge of downtown Seattle. As I drew more of them, I decided it needed some sort of context — not just shapes in space, but living, growing things. So here is the result — perhaps what Howl’s Moving Castle might have looked like if Frank Gehry designed it.
493.5/1000 (Micron Pigma on Paper)
Dripping Honeycomb
Thursday, February 12th, 2015 | Digital, Drawings | No Comments
A discarded and half-finished concept for a pair of leggings. The honeycomb and drips were going to wrap around at mid-thigh — but ultimately, it wasn’t what I’d hoped it would be.
455/1000 (Micron Pigma on paper, quick digital silliness added in Photoshop)
Winter Warmth
Thursday, November 1st, 2012 | Digital, Drawings, Felix, Life-Drawing | No Comments
An illustration for this winter’s family festivities. Lines in ink, color in Photoshop.
Reaching WIP
Friday, May 11th, 2012 | Digital, Drawings, Jimsan | No Comments
I’ve done tons of design and art for work lately, but this is the first “for me” project I’ve started in a while. I put several hours in today, but my hand started to cramp. It’s really not used to holding a pencil (digitizer)! So anywho, my cousin and I like to spend a few nights out of the month drinking way too much beer and playing Halo: Reach until the wee hours of the morning. Our four digit call signs are HERP and DERP, respectively. This will immortalize their awesomeness, and one day hang above our fireplace.
Hours: 96.25
Monday, March 21st, 2011 | Digital, Drawings, Jimsan | No Comments
Sketched, scanned, colored. After the octopus, I had a request to design more “gentleman animals”. I may take the hat away, if I can find something else to add instead.
Hours: 78
The Distinguished Gentleman
Monday, February 14th, 2011 | Digital, Jimsan | 2 Comments
It’s been a year and a half. Here Goes!

Failed T-shirt design
Hours: 71.5
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. – J.R.R. Tolkien
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