Frog revisited

Thursday, October 16th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Jimsan by

After studying more frog anatomy this morning, I drew this with no reference this evening. Pardon the inaccurate anatomy. I also did some drawing in class today, which I’m tacking on as well.

The Great Albino Black Striped Flying Poison Frog

The Great Albino Black Striped Flying Poison Frog

Hours: 6.75/1000

3 Comments to Frog revisited

October 17, 2008

Very nice for not having a reference!

You seem to be doing the same thing I do with animals, though – your perspective clearly shifts from the head to the front leg to the hind legs. It’s a pain, because each part looks right when viewed by itself, but when you view them altogether, it’s kinda disjointed.

I’ve found that when drawing complex stuff like frogs (as opposed to things like heads, where it’s all one big thing with some stuff stuck to it), the whole ‘draw the basics first’ thing works well. For a frog, an ovoid for the body, with a spine and hip/shoulder lines, then some circles for the major joints and whatnot…. that’d probably help keep the perspective together, anyway.

Of course, that also tends to lead up to a bunch of weird drawings full of circles when the perspective doesn’t want to comply anyway.

October 17, 2008

Some examples of changes to perspective here.

October 18, 2008

Thanks for the tips! This did, as most of my ‘from the head’ drawings do, start out as simple shapes. I told SteveMack as I was posting this that it would probably look perspectively retarded without the objects that the frog was interacting with in my head there to show what exactly he is doing. Yet, even with the objects, the perspective is still somewhat off, and I appreciate the tips to help me do better next time.

What I think would have helped, for what I was trying to achieve, is if I had pulled out the right leg further from the body while tucking the right thigh further in, as if to support himself better.

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