Repairing the Nimabot

Monday, October 13th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Jimsan by

This drawing began as simple shapes and, using cheap tracing paper, was refined 5 times to come out with the final product shown here. This is the third part of a three part series for my printmaking course. This will be etched into a copper plate, bathed in acid, and printed several times.

Those mischievous little Nimabots are always getting into trouble.

Those mischievous little Nimabots are always getting into trouble.

Hours: 3.5/1000

4 Comments to Repairing the Nimabot

October 14, 2008

What is a Nimabot?

October 15, 2008

Little one-wheeled steam-powered artificially-intelligent.. robot things.


October 15, 2008

The correct answer is “cute.” 😉

Ashley Harris
October 15, 2008

I like the cartooniness of this…. i hate the word cute.. sorry!

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