New Link: Monsieur Pimpant

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009 | Posted in Felix by

Steve and Jim-san threw up some links a long time ago. I only got around to it now, since I’ve involved myself more in the ‘drawing’ aspect of this project than the community angle. I also haven’t written much of anything in a while, but now seemed like a good time.

Monsieur Pimpant’s a French guy (well, Belgian now), which is practically all I know about him. I ran into his work on TeeFury, where he drew this shirt. I was struck by its weird power (I would never wear such a shirt), and went to check out his blog. The guy draws amazing pencil drawings. Really inspirational. Now you can check it out for yourself. Make sure to click the thumbnails so you can see the real deal.

See you all later today with some more drawings!

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All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. – J.R.R. Tolkien

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