
Thursday, November 13th, 2008 | Posted in Abstract, Drawings, Felix, Life-Drawing by | No Comments

I’ve been having a lot of fun with color and various brushy effects in Photoshop, so you’ll probably see a bit more of that for a little while. But I haven’t abandoned what passes for my classic style, either.


Thursday, November 13th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Jimsan by | 2 Comments

Preparing lines for tomorrow’s tracing and etching. Added a bit of detail here and there, but most detail will be added using dry-point after the acid bath. I’m not entirely happy with how this piece turned out, but I did discover a few things. I’m going to try something similar, with the same theme, later on.

Hours: 25.50/1000

Movie portraits

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, SteveMack by | No Comments

Taking some portraits from movies. I don’t expect any of them to be identified, but it was enjoyable. Drawing from films is nice, because you have very cinematic angles to choose from.



Wednesday, November 12th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Felix by | No Comments

Today turned out to be more artistically productive than expected at the outset. More to come!


Wednesday, November 12th, 2008 | Posted in Abstract, Drawings, Felix by | 1 Comment

All right, here are my hand drawings from most of a week. Some of them are finished, some are roughs, and some are something else. Enjoy! Two rough drawings, some thumbnails for a client, an abstract, and two more finished pieces with their sketched-out preliminaries.

3D, MIA, Yadayada.

Tuesday, November 11th, 2008 | Posted in 3D, SteveMack by | 4 Comments

I’ve been MIA, but not without productivity. I spent about 15-20 hours on this, I think, although I’m not counting any of that time towards my drawing counter, despite some of those hours being spent painting textures and so forth. Far from perfect, but I’m fairly happy with my progress on the texturing side of things, and it’s as far as I plan to take it. I’m only posting the image so that it is well known that I am not dead. We now return to your regularly scheduled drawing-blogging. (Tomorrow.)

Adding details

Tuesday, November 11th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Jimsan by | 2 Comments

Two hours worth of details. I feel I didn’t get a whole lot done in that amount of time.

Hours: 24.75/1000


Tuesday, November 11th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Jimsan by | 2 Comments

I had originally planned out this three-paneled landscape in PS, but, the .psd somehow went missing. I had to redo it today from scratch. This WiP is, perhaps, the scene of a large city several years after WWIII takes place.

Hours: 22.75/1000

Horse #4 (Woohoo!)

Monday, November 10th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Felix by | 1 Comment

The last of the set. Soon I’ll put together a tableau of all four. I may touchup the earlier ones, especially #1. I’m really happy with this one, though, despite having a different light source and shadow.

Horse #3

Monday, November 10th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Felix by | No Comments

Getting close to finished with this project now. I think I may wrap up the last horse tonight and perhaps make a tableau with all four. I’ve changed style since the first horse though, so I may need to retool that one a bit. 


All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. – J.R.R. Tolkien

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