
Monday, October 20th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, SteveMack by | 1 Comment

I did quite a bit of pose-work today, with the standard circle-and-line stick figure guys. After a bit, I tried to see what I can flesh in, following the guidance of some helpful manga instruction. Towards the end, I tried my best to copy a character that was there. I had an extremely difficult time making the head-shape not masculine, and even now, it only marginally resembles a female form. I had the hair on, but erased it off to work on the shape stuff without it getting in the way. I ought to try that again with more portait-style poses. And there are a couple lone blooks I did yesterday before I had to pass out. With yesterdays, I drew for 3.5 hours.


Catching Up

Monday, October 20th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Felix, Life-Drawing by | No Comments

Whew! Sorry about not posting over the weekend, folks. I’ve retroactively added my drawings for those days (I wasn’t slacking! Too much…). Today’s is another one somewhere between memory drawing and making it up as I went. The essence of it is, I wanted to draw a female nude, but didn’t have any nude women handy when I wanted to (I was riding the bus.) Cheers!

Ribbit Romance

Monday, October 20th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Jimsan by | 3 Comments

I thought it would be fun to offer people a glimpse as to how I go about most of my drawings. This is done digitally with an intuos, but the same technique is generally applied to paper by using light strokes and lots of eraser. I tend to mess around with the composition using very rough skeletons of the basic objects. When I’m happy with where things are, I’ll start to flesh out the details little by little.



Adding details

Adding details

Add some color!

And some color!

Hours: 9.25/1000


Sunday, October 19th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Felix, Life-Drawing by | No Comments

 Not much to tell, here. Just a motorcycle I drew while waiting for a friend to finish eating lunch. It was parked by the side of the road. You can tell from the way I fudged the shapes in the middle that technical drawing is not my strong suit. 


Sunday, October 19th, 2008 | Posted in SteveMack by | No Comments

Did some scribbling but the sleepy headache has me in its grips. I’ll make up for it first chance tomorrow… zzz…

Grab at water

Sunday, October 19th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Jimsan by | No Comments

Hours: 8.25/1000


Saturday, October 18th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, SteveMack by | No Comments

Faster isn’t always better.. Was tired when drawing these guys and they turned out a bit Meh, though I like the bottom right one. I promise I’ll draw earlier tomorrow : / Trying to get to the end of the head-blooks so that eventually I can play with the full bodied ones 😀


Fir Cone

Saturday, October 18th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Felix, Life-Drawing by | No Comments

It was winding here, and raining, and the other things it does when it’s grey and a bit chilly. I was sitting outside, waiting, when it struck me that I hadn’t done my drawing for the day. Looking around for something to draw, I found this cone, which turned out to have a neat sort of pattern that I became especially aware of as I drew it.


Saturday, October 18th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Jimsan by | 2 Comments

A sketch of my hand. The picture was taken upside down intentionally. 😉 I’ll try this again at a later date. Perhaps when I’m not being distracted often and having to guess which perspective I was viewing my hand.

In sketches, everyone has neatly trimmed nails.

In sketches, everyone has neatly trimmed nails.

Hours: 7.75/1000

Turtle Study

Saturday, October 18th, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Jimsan by | 2 Comments

A little anatomy study of the turtle. They’re a lot more complex than they might lead you to believe!

Grumpy lil turtle

Grumpy lil turtle

Hours: 7.25/1000


All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. – J.R.R. Tolkien

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